How I Got Started

It started for me in rural Newfoundland where I grew up yearning to be a soldier; and I was for 11 years before vision loss interrupted a career I loved. It did take me out of the game for a while but I got back up - resilience is part of my DNA. When I graduated from university at age 45, I knew that knowledge was key to a better life. Entrepreneurship came later when finding a job became a challenge with a disability. Having learned so many lessons at the school of hard knocks, I was determined to help others have an easier path to growing a business.


What I realized pretty quickly...

Obviously moving from heart to serve to profit motive was a huge challenge for me. As a reluctant entrepreneur, I wasn't chomping at the bit to charge for my services - I found that intimidating. But the bigger issue was a network - a strategically leveraged network means I don't need to work as hard. Once I figured that out, I started getting serious about building the right network of sages, prospects and affiliates. I needed people who knew what I did and who were willing to tell others. After all, if you don't have the right network, you will work way too hard.  


My Greatest Accomplishment

It isn't the books I've written or the places I've been, my greatest accomplishment by far is my daughter. Each time I look at her I am inspired by the remarkable adult she has become. We have faced many challenges together and I have always been aware that she is learning from all that I do. I wanted her to know that no matter what life throws her, she has choices and when I look at the remarkable young woman she has become, well I know I did something right.