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#001 Three (3) Benefits of a Marketing Plan

Jan 10, 2017

“This little piggy went to market and this little piggy stayed home.”

Why do you think that this particular little piggy was the only one that got to go to market? Was he the only one that was ready? Was there an issue with the supply chain? Were the others not quite ready? Or, was it because he was the only vegetarian in the bunch - roast beef? Yuk.

Chances are high that this farmer had a marketing plan.

There are many benefits in having a marketing plan. Here are my top three.

1. Law of attraction.  A marketing plan means you have put thought into where you're going to sell your services. You bring about what you think about and if it ain't written, it ain't real. If for no other reason then the increase in the likelihood that you will get it done - do it. 

2. A marketing plan tells me you understand business. Usually a marketing plan goes hand in hand with your projections. If you plan to make X (revenue) and you need to sell Y (# of units) then you will need to have worked out a strategy if you want to make that happen. It isn't enough to just throw a number at the wall and hope you reach that goal. 

3. Benchmarks. You can dig out your marketing plan at any time during the year and see where you are. it gives you a benchmark. Do you need to work harder? Do you need to change things up a bit? 

A marketing plan is organic in nature - not a one and done. 

And you’re waiting for what? Get crackin’ — make the plan and work the plan. BAM!!!