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#235 Day 3 of 22 You have the tool in your toolbox

Oct 04, 2020
<span>Photo by <a href=Nina Mercado on Unsplash" />

It's day 3 - so let's manage expectations. 

I didn't want to go today - it's definitely not a habit yet. If it takes 3 weeks to form a habit for the normal person, I may need a little longer when it's something I don't really enjoy.


The only reason I am moving at all is because of strategy. Fitness is low value for me. But I know it's got to be a priority soon for many reasons. So I have done what the masters have suggested - I am linking it to my high values. I value teaching and learning. I need to be fit to continue to do this at the scale I want and for as long as I want. I plan to live to be 100. So fitness will become a priority because it is an enabling goal. Tactic #1

I'm a realist with a propensity to optimism. 

This morning I didn't want to go. It wasn't enough to just think about high value/low value stuff. I needed to beat down that voice in my head that was trying to talk me out of it. 

So I took out one of my tools.  Tactic #2 I call it the forward pacing tool. I pretend we're a month out and I'm looking back on today. I ask the question "how did you get your a$$ out of bed and into the sneakers that morning." That question, that prompt has me creating strategy. Simple as that.

After that, I did a little tapping  (tactic #3) and pretty soon I was strapping on the sneakers and if not quite gracefully, I was walking on the Halifax waterfront. I'm glad I did. 

Bam! Get 'er done.