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#246 Writing Effective Sales Copy

Jul 10, 2021

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Your client is poised to purchase - meaning that they have the problem that fits the solution you provide. Many people out there are vague and ambiguous when they write sales copy. The think that if they cast the net widely, they will catch more. 

Not the case. You need to be very specific when writing sales copy - call out your client early on so that they know right away that you're speaking with them. 

My client is the best in the industry at what they do but they struggle with charging what they're worth. Asking a question like "Are you the best in your industry at what you do? Do you struggle charging what you're worth?" This question has them waving their arms "that's me, that's me". I know this because I have used this phrase in sales copy, in my introduction at a networking event and it always produces the same results. 

Does it work in all industries? Yes. Check out these examples. 

"Are you a plumber who is tired of never getting any of the big government contracts?"

"If you're a realtor who is ready to hire your first employee, click this link."

"Do you spend your Sundays dreading Mondays?"

These examples are simple and are designed to demonstrate the point. Call your client out in the first few words and keep it going with the remainder of the copy.

There's much more to writing sales copy than grabbing someone's  attention in the opening lines. If you want us to show you our system for writing sales copy that lands the deal, reach out. 

1 (902) 448-6376