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#038 Communication

Nov 23, 2017

Skills Canada recently hosted a one day workshop for high school students and I participated as a mentor. I was asked by one of the students what I thought was the most important skill that a trades person could have.

Often in our education at community colleges, the focus is on the hard skills and for good reason. It is essential that we have knowledge of the internal workings of a four stroke engine to use an example from my trade. In the classroom, knowledge gets passed to all students equally. But learning onsite is all about the relationship between people. Knowledge in the real world is passed from master to apprentice often under conditions that don’t leave time for learning. Communication has the potential to greatly enhance that learning experience.

Good communicators asks for opportunities to learn. Good communicators can ask the right questions that can greatly enhance their ability to learn. Good communicators are often chosen for supervisory positions. One of the reasons is because they can articulate what is needed and direct others with clear communication. Good communicators are better advocates in the workplace and contribute to healthier work environments.

Communication is by far the skill that is most important to success in the trades.