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#222 Don't judge the way you used to think!

Jan 28, 2020

This mornings' tweet

"When we evolve into a healthy money mindset - we look back on old thinking and old habits and we understand them - we don't need to judge them; those habits served us well back then but for this period in our business, we need to focus on our new beliefs and our new habits. "

Can you remember when you had limiting thoughts?

Can you recall when you were a doormat in your own business? Everyone taking advantage of you and you quietly taking it - working like a dog?

Can you remember the times you screwed up royally and it cost you large? 

What about the times when you didn't quite get that you were undercharging for your services?

I repeat....

"When we evolve into a healthy money mindset - we look back on old thinking and old habits and we understand them - we don't need to judge them; those habits served us well back then but for this period in our business, we need to focus on our new beliefs and our new habits. "

So as you look back, keep in mind that when you were that person, you made those decisions but you have evolved and you're a different business person now. You can look back on those times and learn the valuable lessons that are present in every single error but you DO NOT need to judge yourself. There is no benefit in judging and only benefit in learning. 

Think about it - there's no benefit in judging.