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#069 I Have a Secret

Jul 19, 2018

It’s tax time and that can be a very frustrating time of year for some people. I was all set to write about taxes this month, perhaps a hot button topic, like the changes taking place this year, or the Disability Tax Credit Certificate and how you qualify or how it can benefit the whole family. If you want to know more about a tax topic, please send me a note. I’d rather talk about something else.

I love the Law of Attraction. I never get tired of learning about how people are making it work for them. Whenever I get a chance to talk with someone on the topic, I’m right there soaking it all up.

One point in particular that resonates with me is this: prior to learning about the Law of Attraction, I had taken a ton of training on goal setting the SMART way. We always focused on the mechanics of achieving a goal but spent very little time on learning how to dream. In my opinion, dreaming is the secret to success.

It takes discipline to become an efficient dreamer. Efficient dreamers achieve goals. I love dreaming big dreams.

I know what you’re thinking… “If I’m not a dreamer by nature, how do I start dreaming at 62?” Well, there’s a trick to it and I teach that trick in my Goal Setting with a TwistEmail me for details.

Here’s a little nugget. When I wanted to buy a house, I spent a lot of time watching programs about renovations. I attended home shows and chatted with people who had purchased homes. I had conversations with lenders long before I was ready to borrow. You see, I knew where I was going because I had a laser sharp focus on it. I had dreamed about owning that home. Then, when I purchased that house, well, I wasn’t surprised. I was already there in my mind.

I know, you’re going to ask me, “What happens when you try to dream but those little voices pop up to tell you that it ain’t gonna happen.” Well, you’ll have to wait for next month to find out more.

Enjoy your month and, even though I am not talking about taxes, don’t put it off until the last minute.