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#070 Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall

Jul 31, 2018

I remember the first time I was in a workshop and we were given a mirror and introduced to ‘mirror work’. The old me, the one who was more of a black and white thinker, couldn’t help but wonder what this hocus pocus was all about.

At the time, the focus was on loving our body and we were asked to look into the mirror and repeat the phrase, “I love my body.” I cringed in the beginning, but over time I learned that our reality is created from our beliefs and this work was going to take me where I needed to be. I just needed to suspend my disbelief for a moment.

Nowhere do I see this same resistance in others as powerful as when I ask them to say, “I love making money.” It is almost as if I am asking them to say a dirty word.

I get responses like, “I don’t do what I do for the money,” and “My work is heart centred.” I recognize these phrases because 6 years ago I was in the same boat. I, too, was challenged to think differently and I, too, resisted. But that has all changed. Monetizing what we do doesn’t mean that we leave our heart at home. It just means that we have more balance in our lives.

Money allows us to do a tremendous amount of good in the world. We can feed our families and, for those of us who are the primary breadwinner, that matters. We can give to charities or set up scholarships at local learning institutes. Money makes many good things possible.

Grab a mirror, look into your eyes, and say, “I love making money.” How do you feel?