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#190 Out with Resolutions and in with Goal Setting

Nov 14, 2019

Resolutions – the first of the year is fast approaching and I’m taking a different approach this year. When we start out with a plan, we have to deal with the reality on the ground. I’m disciplined and I know how to design a plan but when it comes to certain areas, like health, I’m great at ignoring the plan.

I’ve made resolutions only to abandon them before we even get into week two of the new beginning. This year, I’m making a complex plan and I’m going to work the plan. I’ve got a burning desire, a plan in hand and an accountability partner. Here’s to new beginnings.


I set a goal in each area where I want to make a change including areas such as health, relationships, finances, etc. There are all kind of formulas that go along with the acronym SMART but I ignore all of that because I use a bit of common sense instead. It has to be something  I can work up to accomplishing considering my own tendencies, quirks and foibles. I set goals that can work for me if I do the work. This year, health is a high priority. I’m a woman of a certain age and I knock on wood that I’ve gotten this far without any health concerns but carrying extra weight puts me at risk.


My goal is sensible and one that I can reach in a year. I’ve given me lots of wiggle room to enjoy the good life but a goal worth striving to reach. I map out the year with sub-goals and check points. I don’t want to measure my success 12 months from now. I may need to tweak the plan along the way and deal with contingencies.

I have a big desk calendar and I’ve written in the special occasions that I know about so that I know where the pitfalls are and I’ll develop strategies along the way to deal with them.

Success for me will be measured by lifestyle change and with that comes weight loss and general overall well being.


I may need a little nutrition information so I’ve made a plan to get that. I’ll shift my daily eating patterns and I’ll read stories about what has worked for others. Education is key in change and I’m good at doing research.

When I reach milestones, I plan to celebrate them. They may not always be at the scale. Maybe it will be a full week of eating breakfast or maybe I’ll celebrate when I’ve exercised for 4 weeks in a row.  Celebrating success is important and being grateful is always beneficial.

Let’s play word association. When I say fitness, you think……gym. I am not a gym person. I am a person who enjoys fitness in disguise. My friend mentioned tobogganing this morning and I got real excited. I love the rush of racing down the hill and the the social aspect and look at that….you get your heart rate racing and the fun produces endorphins – now that’s fitness in my books.


Mind mapping and tracking are two tools that are key to success in any area. I’ll track my eating and my goals and I’ll use creativity with crayons and whatever works to get it down on paper. It’s all about remaining motivated and committed. Get the paper out and make it work for your style.


I need an accountability partner. I also know who it is going to be – she knows that I’m persuasive and she’s not afraid to give me the goods. She can talk me down form that mountain of mint pistachio that I’m about to consume or maybe that I have already consumed.

My partner never tries to make me feel guilty – she knows I want this and I’ve given her permission to speak to me in a way that works for me. She always reminds me that I make the decisions and I have to be able to live with them.

I’m a great planner, list maker and I logically know what I need to do. I’m also very good at telling others what to do. In the past, I’ve not been great at working the plan but this is a new dawn of a new day and I’m getting back on the wagon. Wish me luck.