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#161 What happens to your business when you can’t function? Things to think about when the principal is taken out.

Nov 14, 2019

These past 3 weeks have been brutal – influenza followed by pneumonia and then a bout of laryngitis to top it off.  My voice is essential to my business. I’d be lying if I didn’t admit to indulging in a little self pity. After all, I have experience with loss – tunnel vision led to loss of one career that required a driver’s license. But self pity is a topic for another day.

I am cautiously optimistic about being on the mend. There have been times this past 3 weeks when I believed I was recovering only to have a setback again.

What plan do you have in place for WHEN YOU THE PRINCIPAL IS TAKEN OUT of your business? Do you even have a plan?

I didn’t have a plan. BUT it has become front of mind for me now. I was absolutely blindsided by the illness.  I had no idea that I would be unable to function for 3 solid weeks – I need my voice to operate. I need energy to get things done especially at this time of year. I had neither. I handled the 3 programs that I had in the works by appealing to the good hearts of the attendees. That’s not the most professional way to do business.

There’s an insurance that you can purchase that kicks in when the principal is taken out. I want to know more about that.

But let’s say you do have that insurance, is there anyone that you would bring in to manage your affairs? Is there anyone you would trust to do that? There are a lot of things to think about.

If you have employees, do they know the processes from start to finish. If you were able to bring in a manager, would it even work?

What if you can’t be the go to person, can your staff help fill in the gaps? These are things we need to consider. Generally, we don’t bother until we get in a bind.

It’s a lot to think about and like most preventative measures, something that you need to have in place before disaster strikes. How far ahead have you planned for such an event.

It’s a discussion you need to have today.