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#262 What I heard when I dared to listen!

Jul 07, 2022

This morning as I walked out the door, the strangest thought popped into my mind -  "leave your phone at home". My intuition nudges me on occasion - whether I listen depends on what's going on.  I dropped my phone back on the counter and headed out the door. 

It's so easy to spend an hour on the Halifax waterfront these days. With pen and paper in hand, I knew that I'd get a great article written today.

When I finished, I reached into my bag for my phone. I experienced a moment of anxiety as I recalled not taking it with me. What do I do now?

Again, I was nudged in the direction of a little meditation. I closed my eyes and started listening to the sounds. I heard the water lapping against the wharf; there were pigeons cooing; someone scooted by on an electric scooter. I could hear the men working on the construction site and people chatting all around me.

Pretty soon, my mind started wandering back in time. I imagined that I was sitting outside my home in rural Newfoundland and again I started to listen into that place.

I heard the saw mill which was a constant in our town. Dolly Parton was singing "Coat of Many Colours" on the hi-fi. Two ladies were having a wonderful conversation as they hung clothes on the line. 

Next my mind wandered to my grandmothers - my favourite place to visit. As I sat on their step, I heard the sound of blueberries popping off the box as my grandfather poured them in; holding the one gallon container just high enough so that the wind would take the leaves. Then I heard my grandmother ask "Are ye ready for a mug up?"

This made me a little emotional but so happy that I had decided to disconnect. I needed this little meditation. What fills your cup? 

Photo by Mario Mendez on Unsplash