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#240 Do you know the gatekeeper of opportunity? Are you in their good books?

May 14, 2021

Photo by Masaaki Komori on Unsplash

Work hard and you'll get ahead. I won't waste time debunking that myth. I know many people who work their butts off who don't get ahead.

Work smarter, not harder is a better way to capture it if one knows what work smarter really refers to.

When the rules are stacked against us, we have one option - learn the rules and play by those rules. Or you can do what I did in the early days, biotch about those rules.

Let's not kid ourselves, who you know matters in the game of getting ahead.

If you want to read a good book that will make you think, pick up a copy of Darkhorse by Todd Rose and Ogi Ogas.  Ever the curious entrepreneur and having fallen flat on my face once too often, I want to know how a person gets access to limited resources when they do not have a legacy claim.

Who you know matters in every area. If someone has ever "made a phone call" on your behalf, you know what I mean. 

The challenge then is to become someone who can build a relationship, make themselves a valuable resource or go to person. Changing any culture as you're just gaining entrance won't work. 

You can only change a community of practice from the inside. 

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