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Why I rant about mindset and money!

Mar 11, 2022

"How come I have a bad back and the boss has a swimming pool?"

 I can remember the day it happened. We were sitting around chatting and he was telling me why he rolled up his extension cord and walked off the job. Another disgruntled employee who thought that he was getting taken advantage of. He was so mad, so mad.

Let me put some context around it. This was way back when I didn't even know what an entrepreneur was. I was siding with my friend on this because of my very limited view of the world.

Of course now that I've got a decade in business and more than enough education, I wish I could wiggle my nose and go back and have the conversation from this perspective. Today I wouldn't be so quick to side with my friend.

Today I would talk about multiple hot button topics:

  • the amount of risk the business owner took when he decided to go out on his own.
  • optics - just because he has a pool doesn't mean he is doing well in business.
  • choices - if you don't like what you're doing, get out there and learn something new. Open your own business and get a pool if that is what you are yearning for. They're not always easy choices but they are choices.
  • money - all things money including centuries old conditioning that cause the resentment around money.

Above all of this, I would talk about fixed and growth mindset and top it off with a lesson on enabling behaviour. No one will take advantage of us without our permission. It may not be explicit permission - maybe we have a pattern where we don't speak up for ourselves or we were conditioned to be doormats.

I would speak about money mindset and how all of us with capacity end up where we are because of our attitude around money. I'd add to this with a bit of chatter about attitudes and behaviour using the story of the chicken and the egg. It doesn't matter which comes first - but change one and the other will fall into line. 

"How come he has a swimming pool and I have a bad back?"

I'm not sure. Get curious about this.