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#178 You’re Exactly Where You’re Supposed to Be

Nov 14, 2019

I can recall the first time I ever heard that quote “You’re exactly where you’re supposed to be.” which I believe was attributable to Mother Thresa. Sitting on the step, waiting for a truck to load my furniture I was reading a book of inspirational quotes. Forced to sell my home where my daughter and I had shared so many happy memories made for a heartbreaking day.

At that moment, messages that were intended to inspire had a way of irritating me. “Really Thresa, is that what you think?”

Hindsight is 20/20. Fast forward 7 years and I can look back on that difficult time and see the lesson in the whole experience and the quote has taken on new meaning.

That experience taught me so many lessons – lessons about living beyond my means, asking for help and accepting myself for who I was. I won’t wax eloquently about those here.

The point is to know that timing is everything when a message is delivered. I think every quote should come with a bit of preamble.

“You may not get it now but….you’re exactly where you’re supposed to be.” Even you.